October 18, 2024

Onion shampoo: everything you need to know


Right now, onion shampoo is one of the most popular hair products on the market. Due to its composition, it is an ideal complement to reduce problems of excessive hair loss, dryness and breakage, among other hair disorders. It is effective? Is there evidence?

Although it may seem surprising, the onion has shown interesting properties for hair health. Its content of flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals make it a good option to complement the beauty routine. On this occasion we tell you everything you need to know about the shampoo made with this ingredient. Keep reading!

Benefits of onion shampoo

When it comes to taking care of the health of the hair, there is no specific product that is 100% effective. It must be taken into account that capillary alterations depend on many factors , such as nutrition, health status, medication consumption, among others. Therefore, it should be clarified that onion shampoo is not a miracle formula.

To date, the evidence on its effects is limited and more research is required to corroborate its efficacy. Still, anecdotal data and small studies suggest that it may be helpful in combating alopecia , dandruff, and dry hair. Let’s see in detail.

Hair growth

A study reported through the Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics   determined that onion is helpful in promoting healthy hair growthIn particular, its added extracts in a coconut, castor, and eucalyptus shampoo provided the following benefits:

  • Stimulation of the growth of the strands .
  • Nutrition of hair follicles.
  • Hydrated hair strands and scalp.
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Hydration and revitalization

The nutrients contained in the onion are useful for recovering the healthy appearance of dry and brittle hair. As an article in Life Science Journal puts it , it contains flavonoids such as kampeferol and quercetin, which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

These substances not only minimize the negative impact of free radicals on the hair, but also promote blood flow and the transport of nutrients. The result? More hydrated and silky hair.

Decreased excessive fall

In addition to stimulating hair growth, onion shampoo seems to help prevent excess hair loss. In this regard, a small investigation in The Journal of Dermatology concluded that onion juice has potential as a treatment for alopeciaHowever, more evidence is needed.

dandruff control

Onion-based remedies have been a widely used supplement to combat dandruff. Antifungal and antimicrobial properties are attributed to it, which could explain this benefit.

Through the Phytotherapy magazine , a study concludes that onion has promising effects against diseases associated with fungi. Especially against Malassezia furfur , which causes dandruff.

How to prepare onion shampoo?

There is a wide variety of onion shampoo presentations on the market. Even so, there is a simple method to make it at homeBelow we detail the ingredients and the step by step.


  • 1 medium red onion.
  • 350 milliliters of shampoo (of the preferred brand).


  1. First, make sure you get a heavily scented shampoo that will mask the scent of onion.
  2. Once you have it, chop the onion into small pieces and put them inside the shampoo bottle.
  3. Close the jar, shake for a few seconds, and let it rest in a cool, dark place  for 10 to 15 days.
  4. After the recommended time, filter the shampoo and start using it.
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Application mode

  • Take the equivalent of one tablespoon of shampoo and apply it all over your hair and scalp . Let it act for about 5 or 8 minutes while you massage.
  • Repeat your application 2 or 3 times a week  for about 3 months.
  • Then let the hair rest for 1 month and repeat the treatment.
Woman uses onion shampoo.
It is recommended to apply this shampoo for 3 months and then rest for another month. Then you resume the cycle.

It may interest you: Dry shampoo, benefits and how to use it

Recommendations for using onion shampoo

The application of this shampoo can be irritating to people with sensitive scalps . Therefore, before using it in its entirety, carry out a small testIf there are no unwanted reactions, use it without problems. On the contrary, if you notice an allergy or irritation, rinse immediately and stop using it.

On the other hand, avoid using this product if you have scalp diseases. If so, it is best to consult a dermatologist to determine which substances are safe. The professional will evaluate whether or not it is good to use this type of shampoo.

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